Distance between supports for above-ground PE and PVC pipes

The app returns the optimal distance between supports for above-ground pipes full of water, made of PVC or PE
L1 – dn
Flexural coefficient
Safety coefficient
Creeo modulus
Safety coefficient
Max deflection
Safety ratio

Verification procedure according to method as per par 8.3 of UNI 11149:2005 (pipes made of PE)

Pipe DN/ODdn(mm)
Pipe wall thicknessen(mm)
Pipe internal diameterdi(mm)
Pipe Young’s modulusE(Mpa)
Pipe mass densityrl(Kg/m3)
Water mass densityra(Kg/m3)
Flexural coefficientCdn( )
Pipe momentum of inertiaJ(mm4)
Meterweight of filled up pipeq(N/mm)
Max distance between supportsL1(mm)
Safety coefficientC( )
Suggested distance between supportsL1s(mm)

Verification procedure according to methos as per annex E.1 of ENV 1046 (pipes made of PVC))

Pipe DN/ODdn(mm)
Pipe wall thicknessen(mm)
Pipe internal diameterdi(mm)
Pipe Young’s modulusE(Mpa)
Creep modulush 
Pipe mass densityrl(Kg/m3)
Water mass densityra(Kg/m3)
Safety coefficientC( )
Mass of inertial ringM 
Radius of inertiaR 
Pipe momentum of inertiaJ(mm4)
Meterweight of filled up pipeq(N/mm)
Max distance between supportsL1(mm)
Max deflectiondmax 
Safety ratio